黃金期貨週四大幅上漲,2 月合約收在 2,746.30 美元,盤中一度觸及 2,757.60 美元的高點,逼近 12 月 12 日創下的前高點。令人失望的零售銷售數據和隨後的美元疲軟推動了這一漲勢。
貴金屬 2 月金價幾乎追平 12 月 12 日的最高紀錄,當時金價盤中高點為 2759 美元,前一天為 2761 美元。然而,12 月的峰值被證明是不可持續的,金價隨後下跌 48.60 美元,收於 2705.20 美元。
12 月的下跌是由意外的通膨報告引發的,特別是 11 月的生產者物價指數 (PPI),該指數顯示月度上漲 0.4%,是經濟學家預測的 0.2% 的兩倍。繼 10 月上漲 0.2% 後,年度整體 PPI 升至 3%。
市場對PPI數據的反應引發了大幅回調,推動2月黃金期貨在12月18日跌至2598.10美元。上漲勢頭將持續到今天,上漲約 148 美元,達到今天的結算價 2,746 美元。今天的漲幅為 24.30 美元(0.89%),這是交易員對弱於預期的零售銷售報告的反應。
據美國商務部稱,12 月零售額成長 0.4%,低於預期的 0.5% 增幅,也低於 11 月修正後的 0.8%。這項數據,加上週三較低的核心消費者物價指數,強化了聯準會降息的預期,對美元和收益率帶來壓力。
勞工統計局顯示,截至 12 月的 12 個月內,消費者物價上漲 2.9%,符合經濟學家的預期。不包括食品和能源價格的核心通膨符合預期,但低於上個月。
衡量美元兌其他六種單位的美元指數下跌 0.1%,至 109.07。週一觸及26個月高點110.17。
紐約FX Street高級分析師約瑟夫·特雷維薩尼(Joseph Trevisani)表示,通膨數據降溫是交易員削減部分美元多頭頭寸的信號。
BNY Markets 美洲外匯和宏觀策略主管 John Velis 表示,未來市場將關注未來的通膨報告,看看它們是否證實通膨緩慢進展。
Velis 表示:“我們預計聯準會將在 1 月 29 日保持不變,降息要到今年晚些時候才會恢復,取決於通貨緊縮的進展。”
2025 U.S. dollar index preview: More upside likely
The U.S. dollar index is a basket of six major world currencies weighted against the greenback. The USDX is an important “outside market” that has a near-daily price influence on other markets, including the precious metals. The USDX is also a good barometer of the health of the U.S. economy, which is the largest in the world.
The USDX recently hit a two-year high and is trending higher on the charts. In fact, the monthly chart for the USDX shows prices have been in an uptrend since 2008. It’s important to note that trends in the currency markets tend to be stronger and longer-lasting than price trends in other markets. While the uptrend in the USDX is a mature one, at 16 years old, there are no strong, early technical clues to suggest the index will put in a major market top any time soon.
A Federal Reserve that has very likely become more tentative on further cutting U.S. interest rates in the coming new year will also work in favor of the USDX bulls.
The U.S. economy may have its problems in 2025, including the prospects of stubborn price inflation and/or headwinds from any new trade tariffs initiated by the incoming Trump presidential administration. However, it’s likely the U.S. currency will remain “the cleanest dirty shirt in the drawer” of other major currencies. The U.S. dollar also still holds the title of the safest currency in the world, so any new geopolitical unrest would also likely support the USDX.
Look for currency traders to continue to sell the majors (Euro, British pound, Canada dollar, Australian dollar, Japanese yen) against the U.S. dollar, as well as the periphery currencies, in the coming new year.
Importantly, in 2025 I also look for the gold and silver markets to become less sensitive (less bearish) to the U.S. dollar appreciating on the foreign exchange market. On a longer-term basis, this phenomenon has been apparent in recent years. Just look at a longer-term gold chart and a longer-term USDX chart—both are trending up.